Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Idea of the Internet Homogenizing Culture

On a question regarding whether the Internet played a crucial role in the process of globalization is a highly contentious and controversial topic. Globalization, often defined as " economic integration of capital markets and culture worldwide & quot; viewed as a concept that has both negative and positive benefits. Growth in the globalizing countries and geographical regions appear to be largely helps speed information aware that the Internet offers. But although in theory, the exchange of knowledge, supposedly to benefit in the development of mankind, the Internet also provides a way for the homogenization of culture and the creation of an unequal playing field for developing countries. This argument can be clearly seen in the case studies of Asian countries, particularly in Thailand. Thus, the use of the Internet and the growth of business on the Internet has increased, the issue is that although the technology of advanced communication and knowledge that benefits the people living in developing countries, or the gap between rich and poor had widened?
The Internet is a unique form of media. He has the power to reach many, but it depends on such factors as the financial situation, technological skills, knowledge, and the pursuit of the medium. Internet is not always appropriate or possible for everyone to have, in a country such as Thailand, we can clearly see that the less fortunate have been marginalized, especially the uneducated and those from rural areas. For example, seventy percent of Internet users in Thailand is concentrated in the Bangkok metropolitan area (Hongladaron, 2003), and only four to five per cent of the rural Thailand has access to the Internet. In some of his articles Hongladaron scientist also discussed the marginalization of rural Thai citizens. Hongladaron says the benefits of Internet, and then his research confirms that since these benefits are available only from the rich, and so, because of the marginalization of the poor, the Internet can be seen as a form of discriminatory medium. However, Hongladaron also contends that the Internet is not homogeneous cultures. He says that relations between " computer-mediated communication and local cultures is no homogenizing effect, and not one of the erection of barriers separating one culture from another. & Quot; (Hongladaron, 1998). Hongladaron found on the Internet by homogenizing culture, but only to a limited extent. With limited information, which can be bought on the way that the Thai people interact online, or browse the Internet as a tool, it is difficult to conclude whether the overall effect of homogenizing the Internet. However, it can be clearly stated that the Internet is the marginalization of those who are not in a position to take advantage of this environment.
As use of the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, fervent debate homogenization of culture is discussed. Some scientists argue that since the Internet benefits the rich and educated, those who are able to use the Internet tend to have a level of mental capacity, thus homogenizing culture applies only to a limited extent. For example, in Bangladesh Bengali tribal practice sustainable way of life, and does not appreciate the knowledge that represented on the Internet. They view the Internet as a very negative forms of communication, such as personal contact is not made. Council members live on tribal Bengali Hindu religion, and everyone in the tribe has a role. Thus, the tribe as a whole is self-sufficient and does not consider it necessary to the members to adopt the values and teachings " & quot; on the Internet. In addition, the indigenous Tibetans are yet another example of when knowledge of the Internet does not reach the people. Because of their beliefs of Buddhist learning to survive, they believe in living in harmony with the surrounding land. The members of the indigenous communities do not believe in the Internet, it is argued that the computer is necessary, and it is not necessary. Thus, in considering the question of whether the Internet is a tool for the homogenization of culture, although some would say yes " & quot; because of the developing Asian countries is becoming westernized because of the propaganda on the Internet, while others argue that only in Asian communities, which have already been westernized use the Internet. These scientists argue that in some Asian communities, especially indigenous tribal communities, will not use the Internet because of their cultural paradigm, and therefore the Internet community has focused only on one set of culture on the one group of people with a common belief: & quot; that the Internet is a useful tool & quot;.
Finally, he does not dispute the fact that the Internet is the place of exchange of information " & quot;, and that the sharing of knowledge can lead to a certain ideology, and the more prominent change of thought and practices of other cultures. Nevertheless, many would argue that, although this is inevitable in the Internet, the Internet can not control life, human life and belief that the Internet can only submit someone else& 39;s discourse, but it can not force the person to change ideology.
Bibliography and feedback used: Wesley
Cooper 2004. " Information Technology and Internet Culture & quot;,
" cultural policy in the field of digital technology in Thailand & quot; , Hongladaron, 2003 1998 2005, " " Internet and Thailand, Australian National University,
Honglardom, Busakorn Suriyasarn etc.
" Internet users in Thailand " National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre & quot; (NECTEC) 2004 maile conchita

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